Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Been gone a while..but now I'm back!

Hey my seven loyal followers *awkward laugh* I've been gone a while! But I haven't been sitting around doing nothing. I have actually been job hunting! Yes that's right! I think I may have just found what I want to get into *drumroll* Social Media! with a bit of fashion and make up thrown in of course! It's what I'm best at so I might as well give it a shot. Anyway, today I will be writing reviews and MAYBE swatching (if your lucky) My top 10 beauty products. This will range from drug store to high end products. I am also going to write step by step guide on how I keep my skin looking soft, radiant, fresh and glowing! I really want to start writing about my large clothes/shoe collection too. I realized I've been concentrating a lot of Elf products. (All my posts have been on ELF!) It's time I cater to others as well! Watch this space in a few hours I should have hopefully added some useful information for you all. Until then; it's back to my CV & Cover Letter to hopefully blow the socks off a few amazing companies. Wish me Luck

Hugs & Lipgloss Air kisses! Chandni x


  1. Hello! I found your blog's name on Facebook page about ELF, so I am following you! :-) Nice blog! :-)
    Happy 212 from

  2. thanks chikas! Keep in check, i have a lot drafted up for this blog..
